Blossom: A Pictorial & Poetic Journey In Effortless Being

Created by DD Haeg

Flowers can bring us deeper into the present moment and our being. Can you help me reach more people who might want to experience this?

Latest Updates from Our Project:

9 days ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 07:55:19 PM

My Beloved Kickstarter Community—HELLO! 

I'm writing with some great news! 

It feels really surreal and dreamy to finally be able to say this: Blossom in the Beauty of Being, is officially with the printer and on it's way to being born! YAHOO! There's been quite a few quick (and sometimes not so quick!) movements this last month. Here's a short update to bring you up to speed since I last wrote!


Oui oui oui! I found a printer to replace the old printer who closed it's local office. The printing prices are a little higher, which means I may print less (which is great for you all who purchased books as the individual value will be higher with a limited edition print run!) Here's a few of the things that I LOVE most about this company:

  • It's a local! They're based in Boulder, CO, are family owned business, and carbon neutral too. In fact, their goal is to REMOVE carbon from the atmosphere! (Thank goddess says Mama Gaia and I!) 
  • The humans I've interacted with at this company have been really friendly and uber patient with my gazillion questions. In fact, they love helping first-time writers turn their self-publishing dreams into a reality—especially Kickstarters like me. It's their jam.
  • They have printed recipe books, space novella (had to look that up), and photography books too—but they are especially good at children's books! (My inner child loves this!) All this to say: they really how to work with color! 
  • They use off-set printing. As I mentioned before, this is important to me because it means higher quality color images for you to feast your eyes on! Eco-friendly inks are used which is another bow to mama Gaia ! 
  • Silly, but true bonus: their name is PufferPrint. Y'all have heard me say that the flowers are playful! It only makes sense that the printer we select has a fun name too! 


We're in the print proofing stage of the book, which means:

  • We approved the digital file today!
  • Once that's received, they will print an actual hard copy of the book for us to proof.
  • Then they ship it our way for us to review and approve, or make changes. 
  • This process can take time but we stand ready to make sure the color quality is as beautiful as the flowers themselves! 


In the Kickstart campaign, I indicated that the book delivery would be at the end of May. Given the printer's schedule, it looks likely that the book delivery to you will be about a month late. We don't have a firm date yet, but once we've approved the hard copy proof, we should know more.

I'll be sure to keep you posted along the way if anything changes, but for now, my designer and I are optimistic you will have this book in your hot little hands SOON.  


So now that the book is with the printer, I've begun fulfilling other aspects of the campaign such as those who ordered BLOSSOM Greeting Cards. All of the non-local orders were sent out today in the mail, so for those of you who backed with this option, keep an eye out in your mailbox! You should be receiving them by Monday! 

Next up? Sending out the Radiance fine art prints! 

After that, I'll be recording the BLOSSOM readings for those of you who were early bird backers and opted for this! If you want to get ready to receive these, be sure you have LOOM. It's visual app that allows you to send videos easily to people. If you don't have it, please go to to download. It's SUPER easy (less than 3 minutes). (This is how I'll deliver your personalized BLOSSOM reading to YOU!)

If you didn't opt for the BLOSSOM reading option--you're in luck! I'm offering a SUPER EPIC SALE! 60 minutes for $100! The readings are a great way help you tap into your innate wisdom and find your own answers, or clarity! Message me directly if you're interested or want more deets. 


As soon as we have final ship dates for the books to be delivered, I'll be scheduling the BLOSSOM Book Tour. For those of you in FL, ID, WA, and OR, stay tuned as I'll be heading to your states this summer! Not in that state, but wanna see me? HMU and we'll see what we can work out! I'd love to visit more of you in person on tour!

That's all I've got for now! But if you have any questions--please don't hesitate to reach out!  Of course, I'll be closing this with a few one more BLOSSOM photos from my neighbors yard! Oh the color and patterns! I can't wait to share more of these beauties with you!

Love and flower blessings your way!



PROJECT UPDATE 14 ::: Sprouts of BLOSSOM Peaking Out
2 months ago – Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 11:11:56 AM

Hi, My Beloved Kickstarter Friends

It's been a hot minute—or should I say a cool 60 seconds?—since I’ve connected with you. Whatever your temperature preference is, I'm finally dropping in here to give you some warm/cold (aka Spring-like) LOVE in the form of a BLOSSOM project update! You ready? If so, pull up a chair and grab yourself a cup of tea, as this one’s gonna be long!

The last three months has brought a lot of movement both personally and for the book. I won't share EVERY DETAIL as it feels like THAT could be a book in and of itself, but I do want to share some honest and real truths, that I hope will inspire or land with you in some meaningful way.

Let’s Start With the Dark Stuff, Shall We?  

I recently had a sacred ceremony that took me into the underworld where I got to take a deep look at the darkness. It was an opportunity to really curious about it all. When you think about the dark—wether it's a mental space or your room at night—are you afraid? Many of us grow up afraid of the dark. I don't know about you, but I was pretty sure there were big hairy, three-eyed creatures under my bed at night waiting to eat my toes the moment they touched the ground. (Thank Goddess they disappeared at dawn!) Anyone else have a fear like that? 

Mentally, for most of my life, I’ve been focused on trying to get better by constantly fixing, improving, transforming—so that I could be more likable, loving, grateful, sexy, smarter, thinner, wiser, etc...(Any of those resonate for you?) This created a sort of trap whereI would pathologize my normal human traits, and then set about to fix/heal them—only to have another issue pop up. So that ideal state of enlightenment was always elusive, never achieved. BLOSSOM was birthed, in part, from this grand disillusionment. So what does this have to do with the dark, you may be wondering? 

When I stopped this doing, chasing, mental-tating, there was nothing else to do but just be with what is. What arose from there was a big scary monster—well, sort of! (It felt like it could not only eat my toes but consume my entire being!) Through my sacred medicine training, I found courage to lean in and stay with these really dark pieces of myself: I could see how much I love to live in my head, how much I love to overcomplicating things, how much I want to be doing anything but being in this very moment right here, how much I loved to analyze everything, how much I like to stay busy and moving rather than simply feel into what is. And the more I sat with these dark parts, the more I felt absolutely hopeless. I felt stuck. I felt scared. They felt like demons. They felt like scary snakes. They felt really ugly. I wanted to run away from them all. I wanted to distract myself with figuring them out. But staying with them, I got to experience the real vulnerability underneath them, and do you know what emerged from there? 

Beauty and Love!

Yep. It's true. When I sat in that moment, letting myself simply be, not trying to fix or change any of those shadow, love had space to land. Well, actually love never really went away, it's just that I could actually see her, right there sitting in the center of my heart—even in the darkness. And I realized that there was a really beautiful thing happening: that I could somehow actually see love in the darkness. Instead of pushing her away, I welcomed her in. 

I am struck by the number of times in my life that I have distracted myself from this great love. I'm also struck by how often I've tried to hide my suffering, or darkness, and give it a positive spin—perhaps so as to not make another person in conversation feel uncomfortable with the raw, painful truth; perhaps it was to convince myself I was fine or perhaps I just wasn't ready to admit the real truth. Either way, facing the sheer and utter ugliness (and beauty) of the darkness, I acknowledged love and the fullness of this human experience.

A flower is a living breathing example of this medicine. To blossom, a flower must emerges from the rich, fertile hummus of darkness. So must we. In fact, we begin our lives in a nurturing, dark space of the womb. So why are we so afraid of this dark part of the growth cycle? Why don't we talk about our darkness more? Why don't we tell the truth of our shadows more with others? It's one thing to admit something to ourselves, but a whole other tender layer to say it out loud in front of another person. It's inspired to me want to start a Truth Telling circle, where we all sit in the center of our hearts and share our shadows out loud. Anyone curious and wanna join? 

A BLOSSOM Bouquet?

This dance with the darkness has been such a deep and profound experience for me that I’ve decided to expand the BLOSSOM book to be a three-part series that mirrors the real, full picture life cycle of a flower:

  • BLOSSOM in the Beauty of Being (growth) Vol. 1
  • BLOSSOM in the Velvety Darkness (death) Vol. 2
  • BLOSSOM in the Embrace of Love (rebirth) Vol. 3

Now I know some of you may be saying, “Good gracious bodiacious girl, get this first book done!” (Cue Nelly music. LOL.) I promise, I will (and dance along the way too!) This brings me to my next highlights.

Sprouts of BLOSSOM Peaking Out!

The seeds of the BLOSSOM book are starting to push through the soil. Here's how:

  • A NEW NAME — A slight tweak of the book title dropped in amidst all of this; from BLOSSOM Into Effortless Being, to BLOSSOM in the Beauty of Being. I feel like BLOSSOM is like a real, living, breathing flower that is constantly growing and changes. Beauty is the portal that opens us up to the moment so it feels really good in my body to make this change. <3 What do you think of the new title?
  • FUN WITH DETAILS — ISBN's, word count, CIP—oh my! There are many fun details that go into book making. For example, cataloging data so that librarians know how to shelf your book! Font choices are important too. It took me over a week to deliberate which ones to use! For me, font choices are like paint colors; they help set the tone or the environment of a space! The BLOSSOM book fonts are Versailles—so regal and perfect for the flowers + ZCool and Optima—need I say more? It's my hope that all these little details help you feel the love that the designer and I are pouring into the layout of this book. 


  • MORE THAN 100 IMAGES — Originally, I estimated that the book would have 50-75 flower images. Currently, we're at a little over 108! Assuming we keep them all, that means even more flower beauty and medicine for you
  • WORD MEDICINE — I really believe this project to be a transmission of the flower medicine that's available to us all. To help me paint a clear picture of this idea, I hired a delightful and talented editor. Thanks to her expert guidance, I was able to share more of my experience and expression of what flower medicine means to me, which I hope translates to you being able to more easily embody and understand flower medicine more deeply. The writing took longer than I had anticipated, but I'm grateful for outcome. I hope you enjoy the word medicine as much as the art medicine : ) 
  • IN SEARCH OF  —  As the BLOSSOM book grew in images and words, I decided to check in with my local printer to see how the extra pages might affect the quote. Much to my surprise, the original quote doubled in price! It turns out, they phased out their printing and hardcover binding services and forgot to tell me. Whoopsie daisy! Their new outsourcing option put the costs waaaaaaaay outside of my budget so I am searching for a new offset printer. (This type is said to yield a higher quality color image than digital presses). Trying to keep the project on time and within budget has been proving to be quite a game of play! (A true sign that the flowers are present!) It's my intention to deliver the highest quality book for your viewing pleasure as I possibly can, but it make take a little more time than originally indicated (May). So please warm up your patience and stand by—I'll have an update to you very soon!

A BLOSSOM Video Send Off!

Phew. That's all I've got for now. I don't know about you, but I am ready for Spring. Before I sign off, it only seems fitting that I share this spring-inspired video that my iPhone created. Just click on the image below for a short one-minute flower blossom extravaganza! A few of the beauties in this video will be featured in BLOSSOM. Enjoy.

With loads of love & flower blessings your way,


PS: Some of you have written me sharing pictures of flowers that are just starting to bloom in your neck of the woods! THANK YOU. Keep 'em coming. It makes my day knowing that the flowers are playing with you and keeping us connected! 


PROJECT UPDATE 13 ::: Falling In Love
6 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 08:43:58 AM

Hi Y'all:

I've fallen in love....with fall here in CO this year! The colors have been SO gorgeous. Amma I right? Tell me you can't look as these colorful pictures and be in awe????

Fall Gorgeousness -- Sunset was WithOUT Filter, Y'all!
Fall Gorgeousness -- Sunset was WithOUT Filter, Y'all!

I let October get away from me—my birthday month, homecoming, soccer tournaments, a Gonzaga Friends reunion (well actually that was September as SO MUCH FUN!) and life just sort of happened. I guess I got caught up in the beauty of simply living it! Before November disappears and the holidays arrive, here's a brief update on what I've been tending to regarding the BLOSSOM book:

- I postponed the FLOW course delivery as those of you who purchased it know. I felt the currents of this topic still moving through me and guiding me. I love feeling into and allowing wisdom to arrive at my doorstep, rather than forcing or pushing some deadline. It's so much better for me and my nervous system. Honestly, this has been a de-conditioning process. When I committed to living in my full beingness, some things started shifting and changing. One of them was allowing life to unfold. This isn't a passive act like you might think, but perhaps more of a gentle way of coaxing or teasing life forward. It often means sitting still and waiting for her to arrive and met you. It's a subtle process. You'll read a little bit more about this in the book!  

- I took a poetry class called Poem's That Don't Suck, by Meg Fallen (highly recommend if you are new to poetry as I am!) It KICKED MY BUTT—in a good way—and I have a whole new admiration for poets. As I've been working on the book, I've been noticing how much I'm drawn to poetry (and so many other creative expressions.) It's been really fun seeing how things come into creation and take form...or not.  In Meg's class, I started "seeing" in poetry. Words would drop in, or visuals like this incredible fall would inspire me to write something about what I was seeing. Then, I started playing with this idea of Visual Poetry. Mother Nature's fall patterns led me to this notion. I love how images can carry an emotion or invoke a feeling in you, much the same way a good poem can. (Stay tuned, some of these new inspirations may even BEcome 2024 offerings--after the book is completed, of course!)

Fall Patterns & Visual Poetry Sample
Fall Patterns & Visual Poetry Sample

- I've been working with my designer to get the format of the book outlined...while simultaneously still writing. It's been really fun to play with all the little details of design. (Thankfully my designer is super patient with my wild hair ideas and moment to moment changes.) Here's a little sneak peak of one of my favorite parts of the book, it's called the Council of Elders, which I may have mentioned before, are a few flowers that I feel hold a particularly potent medicine. It hasn't been proofed yet as we're still just playing with layouts and I'm still finalizing the writing part. I'd love to hear what you think? We've also changed the book cover design....but that, I will save until the final reveal this spring :)  

Sample Council of Elders Page
Sample Council of Elders Page

I hope this note finds you navigating all the feels of this crazy, wild world we live in with as much gentleness, compassion and ease as possible. There's so much happening and I want you to know, you can ALWAYS feel free to reach out to me here or via email ([email protected]) if you need to be seen or heard, or feel less alone. Through our connections to plants and humans, I know that we can open to deep love and new ways of being in this world. Sending flower blessings your way! DD

PROJECT UPDATE 12 ::: Locking In + Unfolding + How To Meditate with Flowers
9 months ago – Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 08:48:34 AM

Hi Flower Lovers--

Next Phase of Blossom

Just dropping in with a quick note to say that I will be locking everything in this afternoon at noon, MST. (There's just three people who have a few hours left to complete your surveys!)  : ) Once locked, the credit cards will be charged (for any of you who have shipping/tax/new orders etc...due) and the BLOSSOM book project will move forward into the creativity and fulfillment stage.  I love this step so much. Locking in feels good to me, like we've just closed the circle (I've always  love me a good container!) and taken our first step together. Horrayyyy! May we ALL blossom on this journey together as this book comes into full bloom!

Trusting the Unfolding

Over the last few weeks, I've dove deeply into mother nature, the possibility of moving, and sweet surrender. It's been one heckuva journey that I'm ever so grateful for as it felt as though the universe was re-organizing energy for me. And now on the other side of it, I've found a inspiration and a new renewed sense of creativity in both my life and for the book. In fact, one more chapter is complete! This time was a great reminder to me to remember to trust flow, the process and not force or rush things. The word that kept coming to me was unfolding. 

Speaking of unfolding--there's a flower that I put in the book, into a chapter called  "Council of Elders". They are special group of flowers who I felt deserved their own chapter due to their magnetism. These botanical beauties, call us deeper into our own being and, I feel, hold an especially special potent medicine. Although I believe we each can interpret or receive our own unique messages from the flowers,  in this chapter, I try to give words to their essence and the message that they wish to share. 

As I sat down to write more for BLOSSOM yesterday, this "unfolding" flower image (see below), popped up. It's part of that Council of Elders, and as I allowed myself to come into connection with her,  I felt the energy of my experience over the last few weeks alive in her.  (Perhaps she was really just playing with me and serving as a mirror?) Either way,  I felt it lead me into a deeper understanding of the sweetness of surrender...of submission...of allowing...of knowing when to stand, and when to lay down...of when to flow, when to be still. For me, she represents a wise wisdom that we all hold when we are willing to be  listen, feel, and submit to the energy around us and in us, for guidance as needed. 

Sweet Surrender

Are You Curious About How to Meditate with Flowers?

The flowers dropped in some simple insights for playing with them (aka meditating) this week. I'm looking forward to sharing some of these juicy tidbits in the "how to meditate with flowers" workshop next week. Here's the details in case any of you are interested: 

When:Saturday, Sept 9, 3-5pm MS 

Where: Zoom  

Other: Bring your spirit of play and an open mind. No prior meditation experience is necessary.

(Workshop will be recorded and sent to those who cannot attend live online.)

Pre-register, now save $35! Here's THE LINK if you wish to purchase and participate! (Sale ends 9/7. )  Please feel free to share this link with friends who might want to join us for this playful class! 

Much love and big hugs to you all,


PROJECT UPDATE 11 ::: Dogs Days of Summer + Survey Reminder + Rose Love
9 months ago – Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 11:31:58 AM

Hi Friends--

Just dropping in with a quick not to say hello, and that I hope you're enjoying the last few dog days of summer. 

BIG THANKS to all of YOU who have already completed the post-campaign survey.  We're over half way there to getting these all completed. I know how busy August can get with  school gearing up and last minute excursions to enjoy the remaining days of summer, SO......I've extended the post-campaign survey until late next week.  But truthfully, I'd love to have them completely by Wednesday 8/22! 

Even if you've read the survey and think there's nothing for me to collect--it's not true! I still need to have everyones' mailing address. So please please please, complete the survey so that I can begin preparations for fulfillment! 

Signed Sunny and Hot In Denver, 


PS: Sending some rose love and blessings your way!